
Frequently Asked Questions

General FAQs

We cannot guarantee that you will appear in the top search engine results because we are not affiliated with any search engines.

Our premium listings appear at the top of our search results, categories, and keywords. If there is more than one premium listing for the same keyword, the listing will be repositioned every 24 hours. Each listing will share first place for the same amount of time as other premium listings.

You cannot delete your business reviews; however, you can contact the website administrator and request that the bad review be deleted for you. To request removal, please visit our “Help & Support” section. If the review is unfair, inappropriate, or harmful, we will remove it as soon as possible.

You have the right to cancel your membership and we will refund you in full up to 30 days after completing your business listing submission if you are not fully satisfied. Please read here the Terms of Service

If you want your business to be found, you must be present where your customers will see you on time while searching and it will increase your online presence. Your customers need to find you anywhere, at any time from any location, and your business details are available on the Website 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Being a listed participant on the website will make it easier for potential customers to find your company/ business when they search online. You receive an online listing that includes your contact details, an interactive map, information about your products and services, images, and even customer ratings and reviews.

Job Listing FAQs

Job Listing is designed to distribute and promote job adverts for companies and businesses to find new employees to fill open positions. Users can post as many jobs as they want to be advertised one at a time. For more inquiries, please contact

Job posts should include a clear description of the available position as well as the qualifications for consideration. A well-crafted job post is essential to attract the highest volume of qualified applicants. In addition, a concise summary of the job, the position’s expectations, information about the company and its work culture, and any other relevant information are all standard features of job postings.

Sign in to or create an account on ServiceBreeder
Click on POST A JOB
Select the number of jobs you would like to post
Enter the job type and location.
Enter job posting details when prompted.
To begin the process of advertising a job on ServiceBreeder click here.

Yes, there is a flat fee per post

Dispute Resolution FAQs

The Dispute Resolution Centre (DRC), is a diligence report solution team that helps resolve service-related issues from our platform and beyond. The centre provides our users with an avenue and facility for access to justice quickly.

Dispute Resolution Centre is available to all Businesses and Users on the ServiceBreeder platform.

You can report issues to DRC when the service provider and the user are having issues that cannot be resolved within themselves or when the reporter needs assistance with handling the dispute

There is a flat fee per report.