
About Us

Why Choose Us

ServiceBreeder is a digital platform that allows businesses of all sizes to advertise their products and increase service conversion. It also creates an avenue for service users to share their impressions on services and products through reviews.

Beyond our core focus as platform for showcasing and reviewing business offerings, we have other specific business solutions namely, The Job Center, The Dispute Resolution Center and the Business Development Institute. Through our Job Center, we create an avenue for talent to meet opportunity. Our platform allows individuals discover a fulfilling path aligned with skill sets, passion and ambition.

Based on a detailed study and understanding of day-to-day (transactional) disputes, noting that disputes between consumers and service providers can be emotionally and even physically challenging, our Dispute Resolution Center has instituted a mechanism to facilitate the equitable resolution of disputes.

We understand that education empowers. And the same way white-collar professionals engage in continuous learning to boost performance in the workplace, businesspeople (product developers and service providers inclusive all need to consistently perfect their craft. The Business Development Institute is our expression focused on equipping business owners and their employees with skills that we consider essential for focused growth, strategic planning and most of all effective customer service. We have a formidable faculty of experts across our chosen fields available to share knowledge and experience.

A platform that allows businesses of all sizes to advertise their products and increase service conversion. It enables consumers to share their day-to-day business experiences via reviews, images, and other content.

Users worldwide use the Service Breeder site and app to discover all categories of businesses based on recommendations from previous users.

ServiceBreeder provides a one-stop for consumers to discover, connect and transact with local businesses of all sizes by making it easy to request a quote, schedule an appointment, or make a purchase

Our Mission

We believe in the power of accessibility, reliability, and efficiency. We help local businesses tap into this intelligence to create better customer experiences and smarter business outcomes. We also bring businesses into the limelight and help them meet with their potential clients.
We believe the only way to be truly successful locally is to provide an open platform that is built on equitable partnership and creates a healthy competitive environment for everyone. We give a user-friendly layout and various sections of the website, such as the ‘Category’ or the ‘Address’ section, are meant to help customers even more in finding the right information and we try to continuously show the most accurate information and details that people look for.